Monday, January 9, 2012

Tebow or not Tebow? That is the question.

In his collegiate career at the University of Florida Tim Tebow wore smudge paint under his eyes to help reduce the glare of the sun.  Football players do this all of the time.  It's a normal practice.  What made the smudge paint under Tebow's eyes unique is that he wrote the biblical verse of John 3:16 on the smudge paint.  Now, fast-forward to the present day and Tebow comes to the NFL and plays quarterback for the Denver Broncos and this past Sunday passes for (get this) a season high of 316 yards.  That's not all.  He also, in the same game, set an NFL record with 31.6 yards per completion.  
I find all of this rather intriguing.  Some pundits might say that Tebow has God on his side or that Tebow has some extra special connection to a higher power.  I'm sure some will go to great lengths to purport that God orchestrated the game just so that attention could be paid to John 3.16.  Some will even say that it is simply luck or chance.  What I see in this is (and it's summed up in one word):  connection.  Tebow is connected to God but not unlike anyone else who connects to God.  Yet, there is more to it.  Connecting with God is what it's all about.  It's what life is about.  It's connecting with that which is greater, profound, and mysterious and here's the punch line:  that connection is found personally in God's Son for which John 3.16 so eloquently puts forth.  316 yards passing.  31.6 yards per completion.  Luck?  Chance?  A God thing?  You make the call for yourself but I think I will take a moment and thank God for the holy connections in life:  my wife, my children and family, friends, and my Creator who makes it all possible.   


  1. I didn't know these particular stats until now. I think it's amazing. I am definitely a believer in God's favor and that Tebow is walking (running :) ) in that. Great thoughts, Mark!

  2. Great article and my thoughts also! But you know what, I'm tired of Christians bashing Tebow. We should support him and pray that God will continue to use him.
